Replay: Conference “IA and Sustainable Development Objectives” of the UNESCO Chair IA-REL of the University of Nantes

Replay: Conference “IA and Sustainable Development Objectives” of the UNESCO Chair IA-REL of the University of Nantes

Find the second part of this round table here.

The UNESCO IA-REL Chair at the University of Nantes organized a “Day of IA Round Tables and Sustainable Development Goals” in September 2020 around three themes that are part of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined by UNESCO and adopted by the United Nations. These SDGs serve today as a scorecard to measure the impact of human activities on the planet, our environment and our societies. In order to achieve these objectives set for 2030, companies, laboratories and non-governmental organizations are seeking to rely on artificial intelligence.

But this AI can also have a negative effect on ODDs. Whether it is its effect on the environment through the resources it consumes, on the economy through the jobs it transforms, or on society through its impact on our personal data.

Organised as part of the Nantes Digital Week 2020, the aim of this “IA and Sustainable Development Objectives Round Table Day” was to address these issues, to learn about and gain recognition for the actions underway, and to bring together those in the region who are seeking to create or use IA in favour of SDOs. The floor was given to experts, teacher-researchers, large companies, and local initiative leaders around the same issue: what is the impact of Artificial Intelligence on what are called Sustainable Development Objectives (SDOs)?

Speakers at this round table ODD 14 “Oceans and Seas”:

  • Samuel Chaffron, Researcher at CNRS
  • Benoit Delahaye, Teacher-researcher in Computer Science at LS2N
  • Damien Eveillard, Bioinformatician at LS2N, involved in the TARA program
  • Kenza Ibnattya, AI Strategy & Marketing Expert at Microsoft


– Colin de la Higuera, University of Nantes
– Frédérique Krupa, School of Design
– Bastien Masse, University of Nantes

The UNESCO Chair in Teacher Training Technologies for Open Educational Resources: https: //

Translated from Replay : Conférence “IA et Objectifs de Développement Durable” de la Chaire UNESCO IA-REL de l’Université de Nantes