France and Germany call for projects on artificial intelligence

France and Germany call for projects on artificial intelligence

Last week, France and Germany launched a joint call for projects. Focused on innovation projects on artificial intelligence, it is open until 29 April 2021. The two countries thus intend to deepen their close cooperation in this field.

Under a new call for projects, both countries are making available 10 million euros each for the next three years, via the Programme des investissements d’avenir for France and under the “Entwicklung digitaler Technologien” programme for Germany. Project proposals can be submitted until 29 April 2021.

The new call for projects aims to financially support innovation projects between France and Germany on artificial intelligence technologies. The cooperation is based on the 2019 Aachen Treaty. The call for projects is operated by Bpifrance and DLR Projektträger. The development of the European AI ecosystem should be at the centre of the joint projects indicates this call for projects. The aim is to strengthen Europe’s economic sovereignty and make the economy more resilient. Science and industry will work together in the new AI innovation projects.

These may relate, for example, to applications in the field of sustainable development or improvements in the health sector. They will be based on artificial intelligence technologies used for risk prevention, crisis management and resilience. Projects addressing cross-cutting issues, such as data sharing or the creation of synergies based on existing infrastructures such as GAIA-X, are also possible.

Bruno Le Maire, Minister for the Economy, Finance and Economic Recovery, made the following statement:

“Artificial intelligence is a major challenge for Europe. In the 21st century, the nations that will carry weight on the international stage will be those that master the new technologies, including artificial intelligence. In the international battle for AI, the European Union has very strong ambitions: to acquire world-class expertise, to attract the best talent, to develop cutting-edge technologies and to disseminate AI in companies, administrations and all territories. To meet this challenge, Germany and France are now proposing a concrete measure to promote an innovative technological offering in the common European interest.

Peter Altmaier, Federal Minister of Economics and Energy, said :

“France and Germany want to be a driving force for artificial intelligence in Europe. With this joint approach, we will strengthen the European AI ecosystem and jointly address important technological issues in concrete projects. Good cooperation within Europe, between Member States, industry and science is essential if we are to exploit the potential of artificial intelligence for the economy and society. At the same time, we are strengthening European competitiveness. »


This call for projects will be in two stages:

  • A pre-selection by a panel of French and German experts on the basis of a simplified application file written in English.
  • Selection on the basis of a complete application file

Only pre-selected projects will be retained for further appraisal for grant funding. Funding of 10 million euros will be provided by each of the two countries over the next three years under the Future Investment Programme for France (subject to the publication in the JORF of the decree approving the specifications of the AAP). Total public-private investment is estimated at 40 million euros. Depending on the quality of the proposals received, the intention is to finance several projects and to cover the three expected areas of application.

Eligibility criteria

A consortium must meet the common eligibility criteria specified in the English-language specifications as well as the internal eligibility criteria specified in the specifications “Competitiveness Structuring Projects” and in the funding framework of the “Digital Technology Development” programme of the German Federal Ministry of Economics. To be eligible, a consortium must, in particular, be bi-national, have a total budget of at least EUR 4 million and involve at least one company and one research organisation.

How to participate?

The simplified application form must be written in English and sent online on Bpifrance’s extranet (link at the top of the page) by the French leader of the consortium until April 29, 2021 at 12:00 noon (noon). The German consortium leader must submit the same application on the extranet of DLR Projektträger.

More information on the website of the call for projects.

Translated from La France et l’Allemagne lancent un appel à projets pour des projets sur l’intelligence artificielle