Where to get the Artificial Intelligence magazine?


The magazine ActuIA N°2 of the last quarter of 2020 has just been published. It is available on newsstands throughout Metropolitan France. To find it in a newsstand nearby click here.

Artificial Intelligence Magazine #2 is available on newsstands.

In summary, inspiring meetings, a review of sector news, the latest fundraising events, Automated Language Processing with: LSTM, BERT, GPT-3, but also..:

Interview with Jean-Gabriel Ganascia

How does artificial intelligence change our societies, in the short term but also in the long term?

Panorama: AI & Defence

AI is now ubiquitous in the DOD. We offer you a review of its many uses.

Presentation of CRIL

Focus on the Computer Science Research Center of Lens, specialized in artificial intelligence research.

AI & health: from research to clinical routine.

Healthy AI is full of promise, but implementation is far from simple…what are the protocols?

International: Spain

If Spain is not always a leader in AI, it nevertheless entered history in the 13th century thanks to Ramon Llull, often presented as a precursor. Presentation of the current situation.

Away from the Green Washing…

Actors are coming to the aid of conservatives in the field. We present you with solutions that have been effectively deployed.

I subscribe for 1 year (free shipping) I find it in a kiosk nearby

Translated from Où se procurer le magazine de l’intelligence artificielle ?