NLP Cloup: an NLP programming interface for data scientists and developers

NLP Cloup: an NLP programming interface for data scientists and developers

In recent years, deep learning techniques have contributed to the evolution of AI and particularly to that of natural language processing (NLP). So much so that it is quite possible to use it in the creation of software or applications.It isin this context that NLP Cloud, a company launched in January and based in Grenoble,France, is launching an NLP programming interface allowing companies and their developers and/or data scientists to use NLP in their projects .

This natural language processing programming interface, based on the Hugging Face and spaCy open-source code models, has been designed to be ready and highly efficient for any data scientist, programmer or developer using it. 500 users were registered at the end of March. This NPA API can do everything needed in software development and application design: feature extraction (NER), sentiment analysis, text classification and summarization, question answering and POS tagging.

Users can then choose to use the ready-made pre-trained templates or integrate their own templates. Currently, a free version of the software is available: it gives access to all pre-trained templates, up to 3 queries per minute.

A paid version is also available for those who need to generate more queries and have access to more advanced models or integrate their own model. This second version allows you to test the quality of your own models, with high performance levels thanks to a dedicated GPU infrastructure. Eventually, this NPA API should offer more languages, new features induced by new integrated open-source models. The company expects to grow its revenue by 500% and expects to hire 5 people by the end of the year.

Julien Salinas, founder and CTO of NLP Cloud, explains:“As a developer, I’ve often come up against the difficulty of putting NLP models into production reliably and quickly. After seeing this pitfall on many projects, I decided to work on a high-performance, easy-to-integrate NLP infrastructure to save weeks or months of work for developers and data scientists.

Translated from NLP Cloup : une interface de programmation NLP au service des data scientists et des developpeurs