This year’s 2020 edition of the Platform for Artificial Intelligence (PFIA) will not be held in Angers as planned, but will be virtualized from June 29 to July 3, 2020. As every year, PFIA is a unique and friendly meeting point for the AI community, and as a member or supporter of AFIA, you are cordially invited to participate in this new edition which includes 10 events, tutorials and 10 internationally renowned guest speakers will offer a conference.
Don’t forget to create an account on Webikeo (procedure on http://pfia2020.fr/home/inscriptionauxsessions/).
On the agenda
7 lectures
- Practical Applications of Artificial Intelligence (APIA), presidents : Stéphan Brunessaux (Airbus Defense and Space) and Amal Elfallah-Seghrouchni (LIP6)
- National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CNIA) – president : Isabelle Bloch (Télécom ParisTech)
- Knowledge Engineering (IC) – Chair: Sébastien Ferré (IRISA)
- Days of Fundamental Artificial Intelligence (JIAF) – Presidents : Zied Bouraoui (CRIL) and Sylvie Doutre (IRIT)
- Journée Francophone sur la Planification, la Décision et l’Apprentissage (JFPDA) – Chair: Frédéric Maris (IRIT)
- Francophone Day on Multi-Agent Systems (JFSMA) – Chairman: Nicolas Sabouret (LIMSI)
- Meeting of Young Researchers in Artificial Intelligence (YRIA) – Chair : Alexandre Niveau (GREYC)
3 multidisciplinary thematic days – responsible: Sandra Bringay (LIRMM)
- agronomy and AI – in charge: Thomas Guyet (IRISA) and David Rousseau (Univ. Angers)
- health and AI – responsible: Fleur Mougin (Univ. Bordeaux) and Lina Soualmia (Univ. Rouen)
- Internet of Things and AI – managers: Olivier Boissier (EMSE) and Patrick Albers (ESEO)
Guest Speakers
- Nozha Boujemaa (INRIA Paris)
- Ghouthi Boukli Hacene (ITM Atlantic) – thesis prize in AI 2020
- Oscar Corcho (Polytechnic University of Madrid)
- Jin-Kao Hao (LERIA University of Angers)
- Joerg Hoffmann (Saarland University)
- Jean-François Lemoine (ESSCA / Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
- Jialin Liu (Shenzhen University of Science and Technology)
- Jonathan Ozik (Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago)
- Fabian Suchanek (Télécom ParisTech)
- Renaud Vedel (DGE Paris)
Registrations and rates
Due to COVID-19, PFIA 2020 will not be able to take place in person on the dates initially planned. AFIA has decided to virtualize the platform and offer it free of charge to all.
Registration: http://pfia2020.fr/home/inscription-2/
More information about PFIA
Go to the PFIA website: http://pfia2020.fr/
Contacts: http://pfia2020.fr/contact/
Translated from PFIA : l’édition 2020 se tiendra en virtualisation du 29 juin au 3 juillet 2020