Ctoutvert continues to invest in artificial intelligence

Ctoutvert continues to invest in artificial intelligence
Photo : Ctouvert

Ctoutvert, a reservation management specialist for the Hôtellerie de Plein Air (HPA), designer of the online availability search and reservation system Secureholiday.net, to which it integrated in 2019, “Holly-D”, a quote-creating chatbot developed with Synapse Développement, is now investing in predictive AI to enable leisure establishment managers to anticipate qualitative and quantitative changes in demand.

Ctoutvert, a Toulouse-based company founded in October 2000, publishes e-commerce and distribution software for the tourism sector. In addition to Secureholiday.net, its online booking software for campsites and villages and its Secureimmo platform, designed for real estate agencies, it offers distribution and referencing tools as well as CRM communication and RM analysis services. Ctoutvert also offers a CRM-BI-RM suite (Customer Relationship Management – Business Intelligence – Revenue Management).

“Holly-D”, the chatbot that has been added to the Secureholiday.net platform, allows potential customers to find out about the various offers and, if they are suitable, to book their stay online. It has allowed campsites to significantly increase their conversion rate. Ctouvert’s new efforts are aimed at the CRM-BI-RM suite and the new AI applications will be effective this fall.

The CRM-BI-RM Suite of the Securehoilday.net Platform

The Secureholiday.net platform allows Ctoutvert customers to access many interconnected services: online sales systems, reservation centers, CRM, BI and RM analysis, e-reputation, Channel Manager and web referencing.

The CRM tool allows tourism companies to communicate throughout the year with customers and prospects through newsletters according to their stay habits, but also to the establishment’s filling and customer relationship needs.

BI-RM analysis gives them a very precise vision of their daily activity, with a comparison with the previous season(s).

What predictive AI will bring to this suite

While this suite allows campsite teams to communicate with their customers based on their previous buying behaviors and past occupied accommodations, these new AI applications will add predictability to it. ML’s algorithms will answer the questions that managers are asking, ” Who will book, where will they book, when will they book?” using data from each campsite.

They will allow them to anticipate the qualitative and quantitative evolution of the demand. They will be able to adjust their strategy in real time to ensure a good occupancy rate, for example by reviewing their rates, no longer according to past demand but to future demand.

AI will thus give them a clear competitive advantage.

Translated from Ctoutvert continue à investir dans l’intelligence artificielle