Open data: Caisse des Dépôts makes available three sets of data relating to the Personal Training Account

Open data: Caisse des Dépôts makes available three sets of data relating to the Personal Training Account

Managed by Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, on behalf of the State, the Personal Training Account (CPF) allows any active person, from the moment they enter the job market until their retirement, to acquire training rights that can be mobilized throughout their professional life. In order to improve the career path of working people when choosing a training course, Caisse des Dépôts launched the My Training Account platform in 2019 and made three sets of data relating to CPFs available to them on its open data portal at the beginning of July.

In November 2019, Caisse des Dépôts launched the Mon Compte Formation service, aiming to democratize access to training for working people or jobseekers holding a personal training account (CPF). In the interest of transparency, it has decided to make three sets of data available on the CPF via its open data portal: the catalog of certified training courses, aggregate consumption by certification and consumption by major user category.

The training offer

Updated daily, this dataset covers all of the training courses for which one or more training organizations have opened sessions accessible from My Training Account, by region or department.

To be qualified as “certifying”, the training must be registered in one of the two national directories administered by France Compétences, namely the specific directory (RS) or the national directory of professional certifications (RNCP). Since 2022, training organizations must also have the Qualiopi certification in order to operate via the platform.

Eligible training courses are presented in this dataset, with the exception of driving licenses, skills assessments, VAE (validation of acquired experience) and ACRE (business creation and takeover).

Consumption as measured by certification purchases

This second set of data presents consumption by certification title, month by month, since the system opened, for all eligible certifications. It provides an overall view of validations and commitments by certification and also by major funding category.

Training consumption, through training entries by gender, age group, CSP and domicile (region, department)

The last set of data concentrates, on a quarterly basis, the characteristics of CPF users: age group, gender, job seeker status, socio-professional category (CSP), region and department of residence.

Published on the Caisse des Dépôts open data portal, this regularly updated data will be enhanced in the coming months with new services, such as the implementation of an API that will allow partners or professionals to query the catalog in a detailed version, in accordance with rules of confidentiality and control of usage.

This publication also represents a real opportunity for certain players in the vocational training sector to improve the reliability and adjustment of their services, and even a lever for growth in the design of new services.

Translated from Open data : La Caisse des Dépôts met à disposition trois jeux de données relatifs au Compte Personnel de Formation