France 2030: the government unveils the first 66 winners of the “Skills and occupations of the future” call for entries

France 2030: the government unveils the first 66 winners of the “Skills and occupations of the future” call for entries

The France 2030 plan aims to support the emergence of talent and accelerate the adaptation of training to the skills needs of new sectors and professions of the future. This is the framework for the “Skills and Professions of the Future” call for expressions of interest, conducted on behalf of the French government by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) and the Caisse des dépôts et des consignations. Sixty-six projects were selected following the first round on February 24, and will be funded to the tune of €304 million.

On October 12, 2021, Emmanuel Macron presented France 2030, a €30 billion investment plan aimed at enabling France and Europe to regain their independence in terms of future industries and skills, which complements the €100 billion post-covid recovery plan.

At the national level, the ambition is to prepare France for the future by making major strategic investment choices, in particular through the creation of new industrial and technological sectors to support ecological and digital transitions. Training young people and employees will help strengthen the human capital that is essential. 2 billion euros of France 2030 will be devoted to this friend.

The AMI “Skills and professions of the future

The “Skills and Professions of the Future” call for expressions of interest (CMA), launched in December 2021, for a period of five years, aims to meet the needs of companies in terms of training and new skills for the professions of the future. Three levies are planned each year.

Its objective is to accelerate the implementation of training courses to prepare for them, and to inform working people, regardless of their status (apprentice, high school student, employee, job seeker, self-employed, liberal or entrepreneur) about these initial or continuing training courses.

The expected projects may concern :

  • the realization of diagnoses of training needs on one or several levels of training, on the whole of France or a particular region, on one or several themes
  • training programs, necessarily carried out by consortia involving training or support organizations, employers or their representatives (companies, professional federations, etc.), public-sector purchasers of continuing education, and recruiters (regional councils, Pôle emploi, etc.)

This AMI thus aims to identify training projects in line with the 10 national strategic priorities of France 2030: AI and digital technologies, green hydrogen, renewable energies, batteries, decarbonization of industry, food and agriculture, health, space, culture.

66 winners selected in the first wave

Following the work of the experts and the international jury, 66 winning projects (including 23 diagnostic projects and 43 training programs) were selected from the 93 applications submitted in this first wave. They will share €304 million (€3.4 million for the winning “Diagnostics” projects and €300.6 million for the “Training systems” projects.

Of these 66 projects, eleven focus on education/digital, nine on e-health, eight on multi-mathematics, seven on AI, and five on solutions for sustainable cities and innovative buildings. Other projects include food and sustainable agricultural systems, cybersecurity, decarbonization, and quantum.

the list of winners is available here

Each year, three rounds are planned, and the analysis of the 167 applications submitted during the second round, which closed on July 5, will soon begin. The third wave of the AMI will focus on training systems and will close on October 31, 2022.

Translated from France 2030 : le gouvernement dévoile les 66 premiers lauréats de l’appel à manifestations « Compétences et métiers d’avenir »