In the new issue of ActuIA, the magazine of artificial intelligence, available on newsstands and by subscription (digital and paper versions), you will find many topics such as the use of AI by local authorities, cybersecurity, industry 4.0 or even patents in AI and how AI transforms music.
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In this issue of ActuIA
A review of the AI news of the last few months: law, ethics, health, research projects, business, ecosystem… Find all the news you should not miss!
A selection of recent fundraisings, as well as the analysis of Antoine Ayoub, Investment Director at 50Partners.
The role of the data scientist in the enterprise
An article by Redha Moulla on the evolution of the data scientist profession.
AI & industry: what is the outlook in five years?
Juliette Mattioli, senior AI expert at Thales, presents the advantages, obstacles and prospects for the adoption of AI in industry in five years.
Cybersecurity, a rapidly developing field of application for AI
AI to face the cyber threat, Françoise Soulié-Fogelman, scientific advisor at the Hub France IA brings us her insights.
Works of art generated by AI, modern dayghost artists?
An article on the legal issues surrounding the protection of works of art by Adrien Basdevant, lawyer at the Paris Bar and member of the National Digital Council.
Artificial intelligence is also written in Prolog
A feature on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Prolog, the first computer language for “logic programming”.
How are local authorities adopting AI?
Our report offers an overview of the use of AI and its various fields of application within local authorities.
Expert’s voice
We present 4 experts in artificial intelligence:
Patrick Perrot, Serena Villata, Claire Lebarz and David Gruson.
Spotlight on patents in artificial intelligence
A report on the study of trends in the field of AI thanks to the exploitation of patent information.
Selection of the scientific committee
Focus on the scientific publications that have caught the attention of our scientific committee in recent months.
Focus on the IRT Saint Exupéry
Discovery of the IRT Saint Exupéry, French technological research institute, its activities and more particularly the DEEL program.
Graphs: how to exploit the relational structure of data?
This introductory article allows you to discover data structured by graphs, which are still widely used nowadays.
Artificial intelligence and music
A file on the meeting between AI and music orchestrated by Francis Rousseaux.
The European Maestria project
One year after its launch, we look back at the Maestria project(Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Early Detection of Stroke and Atrial Fibrillation) to create the first digital platform for a new management of the risk of cardiac arrhythmia and stroke.
Fighting modern slavery with artificial intelligence
Focus on the Artificial Intelligence against Modern Slavery (AIMS) project led by Adriana-Eufrosina Bora, AI ethics researcher, applied AI / AI and human trafficking, at Queensland University of Technology.
Demain.ai develops a data-writing solution for e-commerce Rolenloc.fr
AI deployed in the field, within VSEs/SMEs.
They are doing AI on the net
Portrait of four actors of AI on the Internet: Anis Ayari, Guillaume Saint-Cirgue, Thibault Neveu and Lambert Rosique
Morocco: Towards an intercontinental hub
Focus on Ai movement, Morocco’s international artificial intelligence center led by Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni and Mohammed VI Polytechnic University.
Start-up: Invenis, a specialist in data quality
Interview with Grégory Serrano, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer and co-founder of Invenis.
Our selection of books dedicated to artificial intelligence
Translated from Cybersécurité, Musique, Industrie 4.0 et collectivités territoriales : découvrez le nouveau ActuIA, le magazine de l’intelligence artificielle