Artificial intelligence market in 2026: ResearchAndMarkets’ forecast

Artificial intelligence market in 2026: ResearchAndMarkets’ forecast

ResearchAndMarkets, an Irish group specializing in market research, has been offering a reporton artificial intelligence since May 24. The document presents an evaluation of the global market for artificial intelligence, that of AI platforms and forecasts for the period 2021-2026. The report also focuses on the relationship of AI with other technologies such as blockchain, IT, and 5G.

A comprehensive report on the artificial intelligence market

This report is divided into 4 parts:

  • Analysis of the technology and its applications: presentation of machine learning and its derivatives, the virtual assistant, edge computing and cloud computing, etc.
  • Case studies around artificial intelligence: presentation of several situations where AI is used such as in the field of health, surveillance, finance or transport
  • Analysis and forecasts of the AI market: set of forecasts over the period 2021-2026 around the global AI market but also around AI platforms and IoT devices.
  • Analysis of several technology companies: presentation of AI research and strategies of many companies specializing in this market such as GAFAM, IBM, Intel, Baidu, etc. There are about fifty groups that are exposed in the report.

Several projections on artificial intelligence to 2026.

In the third part of the report, several forecasts are proposed around the artificial intelligence market. Among the forecasts from the study conducted by ResearchAndMarkets are:

  • Artificial intelligence integrated into building infrastructure and equipment could potentially reach $18.1 billion worldwide by 2026
  • In terms of AI applications and solutions for enterprises, the market is likely to reach $4.25 billion globally by 2026
  • The global market for supporting Big Data and prescriptive analytics with AI will reach $1.35 billion by 2026.
  • Over 35% of a company’s value will be directly or indirectly attributable to AI solutions by 2027.
  • 1.8 trillion is the potential amount of money that could be generated by the commercial use of AI in 2027.
  • Currently, less than 20% of businesses and institutions are leveraging AI systems. This figure is expected to rise to 70% by 2027, according to the report.
  • 75% of business analytics software will leverage AI capabilities to operate by 2027.

Translated from Marché de l’intelligence artificielle en 2026 : les prévisions de ResearchAndMarkets